Wednesday, July 28, 2010


So Comic-con is finally over. When I can't go this turns out to be my least favorite time of the year. I have an account on Deviant Art and this time of the year I get the pleasure of having bulletin updates jammed full of my favorite artists getting really stoked that they are going, and saying things like " Come over to my booth, I'd love to meet other artist and would be happy to give advice, swap info, and hang out."
You want to know where I spent my Comic-con? See the first picture at the top. That's my desk where I worked on art, listened to music, and eventually curled up underneath muttering indiscernible nonsense. Happens every Comic-con.

On a more serious note I thought I'd take a break to share a little bit of my work space, which just so happens to be my living space at the moment. The first picture actually is my desk. Sometimes I feel like I'm staring at that monitor pushing pixels too often, but luckily I've been able to switch that up a bit with traditional artwork this summer. The second is a full shelf of a lot of my favorite books that I constantly look to for inspiration. I wish I could say that was all of them, but I've acquired far too many art books and the collection just won't fit on that tiny shelf. The last picture is a sneak peek at my most recent batch of pinups. I snapped this picture tonight since I probably won't post the full jpegs for another week or so.
So there you have it. Thanks for stopping by and enjoy!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010


So I finished this design a week ago and completely forgot to post it. It's a quick design that goes with the story I want to do for another blog. I'm still trying to decide on the name for it so I can stop referring to it in vague terms. Maybe I'll just come up with a temporary name for the moment so people know exactly what I'm talking about.
This design is the first race of beings our main character encounters. For right now lets call the main character Nero (that was one of the names I was debating calling him). This race has nearly done away with all the nature of their world, and Nero is there to help them save their wildlife by taking it to Rift, an intergalactic wildlife preserve.
This species live their whole lives in these robotic suits. They're suspended in a mist that serves several purposes, one of which is the projection of their thoughts for communication. This race is benevolent and regrets the loss of their wildlife, but can't find it in themselves to stop their technological progress.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010


My friend Jim and I have started drawing on location in various spots around Oakland and San Francisco. A tradition I hope we can keep up throughout the school year. I've decided to post some of the sketches here, and will likely post more in the future.
When I draw for myself I typically draw pretty girls and or creatures/monsters. For these drawing excursions I've decided to draw my surrounding environment. It's something I've been working on lately to strengthen my arsenal, and I have to say I'm enjoying it almost, ALMOST, as much as drawing beautiful girls. I've already seen improvements in the few sessions we've had, and I hope to put some of the still life's in my art department and story portfolios.
Also, I'll post my burlesque sketches from the last Sketchy's soon. Most of them are very quick drawings, seeing as I was busy socializing during the longer poses, hah. That was actually a fun night and I even sold a small $25 painting. Which reminds me. Some of you have been bugging me to post the most recent pinups. I have finished the final drawings but I'm waiting until the next Sketch Tuesday to paint them. I don't feel like doing a post just for the drawings this time around so when you see them they will be in their full finished glory. You can expect a mer"maid", a vespa girl, a pulp astronaut, and a homage to Frank Frazetta (who's energetic art has inspired me from an early age) in the next batch. Thanks for stopping by and enjoy!