Saturday, December 25, 2010


So I know everyone looks to my blog for the most ambitious and up to date animations of our time, and I'm quite sure my fundamental exercises won't disappoint. I'm presenting you with three featurettes titled "Walk Cycle" "Side Step" and "Step Up." The final feature film is titled "Jump, Drop, and Run" This feature comes complete with a new fangled background drawn with the rarely used blue cole-erase pencil. So sit back and prepare to be awed by these masterpieces.

On a serious note, though these videos are of a small file size they may take a moment to load, so please be patient. Also I'm aware that they're not perfectly executed exercises, and I could fix a lot, but you have to move on to new exercises and understandings at some point. I'm sure I'll be animating many of these again in the future . . . over and over and over. Getting better each time ;)


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