This was my first Sketchcrawl. I was told about these a couple years back, but when I was told about them I was also told they were only once a year. Well, they were wrong, and I can't be more happy that they were. I had so much fun at this event that I wish they could take place once a month, but I guess four times a year is good too. I'm already counting down the days to the next one, and I can't wait to look at other people's sketch pads again. I was a bit shy this time around, because everyone else's work was so amazing, but next time I'll break out of my shell more. I'm too busy to scan all of my own art in so I just scanned in my take on the Sketchcrawl logo. It shows the ambivalent nature of being both crushed by the phenomenal work of all the other artists and enthusiastic about getting out to draw with such an amazing and friendly community.
Joining me on this venture were some of my favorite people and good friends Tim Kallok and Jim Allison. Together they form team TimJim. Make no mistake this team doesn't fight crime or play extreme sports, but they do play a mean game of Cranium.