So Comic-con is finally over. When I can't go this turns out to be my least favorite time of the year. I have an account on Deviant Art and this time of the year I get the pleasure of having bulletin updates jammed full of my favorite artists getting really stoked that they are going, and saying things like " Come over to my booth, I'd love to meet other artist and would be happy to give advice, swap info, and hang out."
You want to know where I spent my Comic-con? See the first picture at the top. That's my desk where I worked on art, listened to music, and eventually curled up underneath muttering indiscernible nonsense. Happens every Comic-con.
On a more serious note I thought I'd take a break to share a little bit of my work space, which just so happens to be my living space at the moment. The first picture actually is my desk. Sometimes I feel like I'm staring at that monitor pushing pixels too often, but luckily I've been able to switch that up a bit with traditional artwork this summer. The second is a full shelf of a lot of my favorite books that I constantly look to for inspiration. I wish I could say that was all of them, but I've acquired far too many art books and the collection just won't fit on that tiny shelf. The last picture is a sneak peek at my most recent batch of pinups. I snapped this picture tonight since I probably won't post the full jpegs for another week or so.
So there you have it. Thanks for stopping by and enjoy!