I'm getting three different portfolios ready for next summer's internships. There are so many things I want to do in art and so many different studios in the Bay Area, that have inspired my development and imagination, that I'd love to be a part of and hopefully have the opportunity to inspire new generations through.
This particular cover is for my sci-fi/fantasy concept art portfolio. I plan on applying to Lucas and Tippet along with many others with this particular portfolio. I'm also going to do a portfolio of my cartoon concept art for art departments of that sort, and a story boarding portfolio.
Between now and next summer I'll also be sharpening my skills to take a stab at an animation video portfolio.
I have a rigorous year ahead of me and it's quite possibly going to be the most important year of my life to date. I'm getting these things together now, because the sooner I start the more I can perfect it until I have to send stuff in. So enjoy this tidbit for now, and cross your fingers for my peers and I.