Much like Christmas, when you find someone else's wallet stuffed with hundred dollar bills just laying around on the first of December, Sketch Tuesday came early this month. We were all reassured that it would be back to it's normal time next month. Keeping up it's pattern of being on the same night as Dr. Sketchy's so that the handful of us that would like to do both are out of luck. Thanks 111 Minna.
I decided to paint some demon cherub characters for the event, and I'm fairly pleased with how they came out. I might do another one of the male cherub, but overall it looks fine the way it is. I met up with some people there, and was humbled by everyone else's work. Hanging out with other artists and learning from them is one of my favorite past times, and it also means I have people to nerd out with while I paint :-B. These remaining two paintings did not sell, but for anyone that's interested in original artwork they are still up for sale at $30 each.
Finally, there's something I have to get off my chest. As I walk the streets of Oakland these days I've been finding more and more that I have a serious problem. A problem I may need to seek help for before it's too late. Every time I walk by a bakery, I have a strong desire to just walk in and rob them of everything. My problem is that I don't want their money, I just want their confectionary commodities. Anything baked that morning really. I would seriously risk doing hard time for a bounty of baked goods, a dollop of doughy delights, a soiree of swindled sweets, a . . . well you get the point.
If it was just that bittersweet smell wafting through the air I might be fine, but, very much like a jewelry store, they flaunt their merchandise in front windows and behind glass cases, and lets not forget that bakeries are practically everywhere. So, as I'm walking there they are. Lime tarts, buttermilk old fashion doughnuts, red velvet cakes, cinnamon buns, whoopie pies. These provocative pastries lure me in, and cause my imagination to go in the worst place. Their glazes glimmer and their frostings hold delicately hand pumped architecture. They'd lock arms and do a cancan routine to drive me mad if they could.
Now I know you're probably thinking " Oh James, you're just being silly." or " Always joking around, that one." As a matter of fact you are WRONG!!! This is an honest cry for help folks, so please start sending as many baked treats as you can. I'm not picky, but they must be baked the same day as I receive them, the smell alone should physically lift me off the ground and carry my body, nose first, to the packed treats, and they must be good enough for God/the Gods themselves. Please hurry,there's only 7 hours until the closest bakery opens and I feel the hunger creeping to my impressionable hands.
PS if you think I shouldn't just be eating sweets all the time, then feel free to send some mu shu, sesame chicken, steamed rice, and a couple hundred egg rolls along with that pink box that should be teeming with baked treasures.